Series Rewatch - Hobbit Trilogy Extended Edition 4k Re-release

Broadcast date: 14 February 2021 Episode: 115

Warner Brothers recently released updated theatrical and extended editions of all three Hobbit movies in 4k and with enhanced sound. We watched the entire extended edition Hobbit trilogy in 4k, and we’d like to share our thoughts with you! Since these are 7-9 year-old movies based on a many decades old book, we’re looser with spoilers.

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Actor: Richard Armitage  Martin Freeman  Ian McKellen  Ken Stott  Graham McTavish  William Kircher  James Nesbitt  Aiden Turner  Stephen Hunter  Dean O'Gorman  John Callen  Peter Hambleton  Jed Brophy  Mark Hadlow  Adam Brown  Hugo Weaving  Cate Blanchett  Christopher Lee  Andy Serkis  Sylvester McCoy  Benedict Cumberbatch  Evangeline Lilly  Orlando Bloom  Luke Evans 
Character: Bilbo Baggins  Gandalf  Thorin  Balin  Dwalin  Bifur  Bofur  Bombur  Fili  Kili  Oin  Gloin  Nori  Dori  Ori  Radagast  Elrond  Saruman  Galadriel  Gollum  Legolas  Tauriel  Smaug  Bard 
Director: Peter Jackson 
Tags: The Hobbit  Lord of the Rings